Our Mission

Our Ambassadors assist us in bringing the love of Christ and clean water to communities around the world that are in desperate need of both.

Water4Life Ambassadors offers an educational/learning opportunity designed to engage, reward, and inspire Christian youth to take action to solve the global water crisis. This is accomplished by raising awareness and funds to provide mothers in the world safe, clean drinking water to feed their children and families.


Let Us Be the Hands and Feet of Christ

785 million people in the world, or 1 in 10 globally, live without clean water. Most of these people live in rural, poverty-stricken areas where women and children walk hours each day to retrieve water. Sadly this isn’t the type of water we drink but rather contaminated water that is often carrying waterborne diseases.

Contaminated water results in sickness and that takes away opportunities for kids to finish school or mothers to earn an income. It’s a terrible cycle that repeats itself UNTIL these villages gain access to clean water.

You and your students can help us change this situation. Read about how just two Christian schools raised enough funds for over 300 filters!  That is life-changing, clean water for thousands of people for the next 10 years and beyond.

Meet Helen in this heart-touching video she sent us from Kenya and then click on the “Meet Helen” link below to see a video of Helen’s children’s book that we will send you FREE for each of your students!

Engage Your Students to Put Faith into Action

Teachers, please decide to partner with us and help your students to become Water4Life Ambassadors of positive change for the world. Students have a much deeper understanding of the value of water and how blessed they are when they participate in activities such as completing a 5k walk around their school or carrying 1-gallon jugs of water. Check out the many ideas to fundraise with your students.

Partnering with us activates your students to help solve the global water crisis while sharing the love of Jesus Christ with those in need. Please join us and bring hope to these desperate communities – this just may be the highlight of your school year!

Exciting ways to help raise funds

Fundraising Ideas

Please see our Ambassador Section on our website for more ideas on how you and your students can have fun coming up with other creative fundraising activities. Your kids will have so much fun raising money and becoming Water4Life Ambassadors!

Helen's Book

A young girl in Kenya inspired this powerful educational book that we want to send you for FREE. Whether you’re an elementary, middle, or secondary school teacher, Helen’s book is a powerful tool to help raise funding.  Introduce Helen’s story to your students.